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  SPSF Promotions
Posted by: ProfessorHenn - 07-05-2024, 01:00 AM - Forum: The South Pacific - No Replies

Hark, hear the llamas sing!

Here in the South Pacific, our Special Forces perform at an exceptional level. The cadre of Ensigns, Lieutenants, Captains, and Admirals that make up our defender military continue to turn out to updates and fight the good fight, day in, night out. Today (well, yesterday and the day before), two highly qualified individuals were promoted to their next rank, and we salute them for their service.

Lieutenant Vrigny

Quote:At the SPSF (South Pacific Special Forces), we are always looking for new officers to join our force, and our sitting Minister of Defense, Vrigny, has shown plenty of promise. First joining the SPSF in August 2022, he started more actively updating and participating in April 2024, getting promoted to an ensign later that month. He soon was nominated as Minister of Defense, overseeing an uptick in activity and training several new recruits. He has also been a reliable updater at minors, with more than 50 updates under his belt, most of which are in the last few months.

In his role as Minister of Defense, Vrigny has shown great ability in leading operations and rallying troops to liberations, with the SPSF consistently being among the top militaries, if not the top military, in liberation turnout. Vrigny has also recruited several new SPSFers and has kept morale high among the Force during his term.

As he has met the necessary promotion criteria, the Admiralty is proud to announce, with a unanimous vote, that Vrigny has been promoted from Ensign to Lieutenant of the South Pacific Special Forces.

Captain Concrete Slab

Quote:It is with great happiness we announce the promotion of one of the SPSF’s most prominent figures; who could even be given the title of “savior of the SPSF” thanks to all of his actions both during his time as Minister of Defense as well as his great commanding and leading skill as a lieutenant. I’m obviously talking about our great Concrete Slab! In fact, most of the SPSF’s officer corps today is composed of members recruited by him.

This is not surprising at all, considering that his skill to recruit new members to the SPSF is unmatched by many, if not all. When he served as Minister of Defense, he greatly expanded SPSF’s numbers. Slab’s recruitment during and even after his term was truly special. As a result of his great enthusiasm, many of his recruits regularly attended updates and liberations, and do so even to this day.

When talking about Slab, we shouldn’t forget about his most impressive merit. When he was still a mere soldier (the rank equivalent to ensign at his time), during the major update of 18 March 2023, he led the SPSF to its largest turnout in its long history, with a total of 24 SPSF members showing up to liberate England! These numbers were consistently high with other updates during the England campaign, and his efforts during the operation were the difference between victory and crushing defeat.

With all of this said, the Admiralty is extremely excited to proclaim that, after everything that he’s done, Concrete Slab truly deserves this promotion from a Lieutenant to the SPSF’s newest, and coolest, Captain!

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  Constitution proposal
Posted by: im_a_waffle1 - 07-03-2024, 12:23 PM - Forum: Council of the Republic - No Replies

I made this package of bills as a sort of counter-proposal to the amendments proposed by Quebec on Discord. I know it all looks completely different, but the majority of the region is functionally exactly the same. I tried to patch up as many holes as possible, and I changed the structure of the government. I got rid of the separation of powers and put everything in one de jure bicameral legislature (Council on the bottom, Consulate on top), but it doesn't operate like a bicameral legislature at all. Only one vote takes place, and both houses vote at the same time. The way the Consulate exercises their veto is different as well; instead of just saying "this bill is vetoed," a majority of Consuls must vote against a bill for it to be vetoed.

Some other minor changes include a set of directions on how to move bills from debate to voting, and instructions on how to hold votes. I also introduced a Clerk position for the Council, which was notably missing from Quebec's proposal. I changed TRA to the "Department of Roleplay" because the way TRA is structured is reminiscent of the LCN rather than The League. I removed the Consulate power to unilaterally make changes to the Constitution. I also included instructions on how to allow new regions to enter if we decide to ever do that in the future. This way, we don't have to edit all of our laws.

I like the formatting, but I'm not super attached so if it becomes a problem I'll change it. I'm just not a fan of the current way we format our laws, and I'd rather type out Article x.x when citing our laws instead of Article x Section x.x, which is a mouthful. Still, fine with changing it.

The three bills that make up the package are available for comment here. Feel free to leave all your comments on this thread too. Questions are good too- everything is here for a reason and I'd like you to know that reason before deciding you don't like it.

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  EuroPride Invitation
Posted by: Sincluda - 06-18-2024, 01:25 AM - Forum: Europeia - No Replies

Hi friends,

You are cordially invited to this year's EuroPride festival! The event will be held in its own EuroPride 2024 Discord server, and the pre-event party starts now. As with previous iterations of the festival, we hope it will be a wonderful opportunity for LGBTQ+ members and allies alike to reflect on our experiences, share stories, and generally have an absolute blast!!! The Ministry of Culture has been hard at work organising game nights, radio shows, contests, and a movie night – more details are shown in the graphic below, and official opening coming soon.

Don't miss out! The event runs for eight days starting June 20th. We can't wait to see you there!!!

[Image: FIAQPtn.png]

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  Europeia Foreign Update — May 2024
Posted by: Sincluda - 06-04-2024, 10:14 PM - Forum: Europeia - No Replies

[Image: 5XrSitb.png]

Population: 1,376 | Delegate Endorsements: 247
President UPC | Speaker Cordova I | Chief Justice Primorye Oblast

Regional News

Presidential Election Won By UPC / Grea Kriopia Ticket, Run-Off Avoided

Facing down three competing tickets (Sincluda/Gem, JL/Prov, and Caldrasa/August) with a confident and proactive campaign, UPC/GK secured 68% of the votes on May 25th. The UPC/GK ticket ran on a themed platform, centering on Infrastructure, Visibility, and the ongoing Wars. Their main opponent, the Sincluda/Gem ticket which amassed 25% of the vote, ran a lively campaign with initiatives like the Livewire and a World Assembly counter-campaigning taskforce, while wanting to solve problems with the Navy and Foreign Affairs agreements they identified. There were 56 votes cast in total, a relatively low turnout compared to recent Presidential elections.

Europeia and Allies Party At Camp Anawanna

In the last weekend of May, Europeia was joined by allies from 10000 Islands, Balder, and The South Pacific at Camp Anawanna for some campfire songs, ghost stories, and training in advance of the Defender Olympics. The summer camp-themed event ran from May 23 to May 27 with popular events including a nation creation contest and the return of Amongus with other party games. Militaries from all regions also did joint training together in preparation for the upcoming Defender Olympics anticipated in July to brush up on their chasing and speediness in hopes of winning medals later on.

Two Senate By-Elections in May Prove Difficult For Senate Hopefuls

May was the month of Senate By-Elections after the unexpected resignation of Senate Speaker Lloenflys and planned resignation of Senator Southwestern Germany. Voters went to the polls twice; The first on May 11 as Gem, Prov, and Olde Delaware Jr vied for an open seat. Gem and OD locked into a run-off after defeating Prov handily and Gem emerged victorious after a late voting swing in their favor. The following election came May 29 in a more crowded field of Ambrella (Sopo), Industhan, PhDre, and Prov. Although Sopo entered the race last, he won victory handily with 62.8% of the votes to avoid a run-off. Congrats to the newly elected Senators!

Citizen Spotlight: Caldrasa

Returning Citizen Spotlights to the Office of the Vice Presidency once again, Vice President Grea Kriopia authored the first Citizen Spotlight of the term featuring one of Euro's up-and-coming young citizens, Empire of Caldrasa. Caldrasa joined Euro in March 2024 and has been hard at work in the Ministries of Outreach and Gameside on top of their bouncy social presence in the Euro server. Serving now as Deputy Minister of Outreach, Caldrasa has impressed the region with their eager spirit and will likely to continue to thrive as they learn and grow in their political career!

Europeian Media Highlights

EBC Article: The Trail of Ashes - A Frontier Update Retrospective - A retrospective of impacts from the Frontier/Stronghold mechanic update published alongside Europeia's first Frontier Day at the start of May that discusses the updates impacts (or lack thereof) on new frontiers, military gameplay, and and more.

EBC Article: Presidential Election Preference Polling - In the run-up to the Presidential election, the EBC did some polling in end of term satisfaction to feel out voters' preferences before the race had begun

EBC Article: Presidential Election Live Blog - A live blog posted during the Presidential Election voting period tracking stats in voting over time and commentating on the race

EBC Article: [BREAKING NEWS] UPC Re-Elected President in Record-Low Turnout Election - The first article out after Presidential Elections ended, sharing final results and commenting on the low voter turnout

EBC Article: By-Election Senate Candidate Interviews - Interviews of Senate Candidates in the second Senate By-election in the month of May

EBC Radio: UPC/GK Cabinet Reveal Show - Listen to the recording of President UPC and Vice President Grea Kriopia reveal and discuss their cabinet picks shortly after their election!

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  Europeia Monthly Updates
Posted by: Sincluda - 05-12-2024, 09:08 PM - Forum: Europeia - Replies (1)

[Image: p22021798.png]
by Ellenburg, Sanjurika, Sincluda, and UPC

Senate Elections - April 2024

On April 20, a new slate of Senators was elected to the Europeian Senate. Nine candidates stood, and citizens voted to make the top seven be elected. Candidates Lloenflys, Prim, Ervald, Cordova I, Comfed, JayDee, and Rand were all elected. The first order of business was selecting a Speaker, of which Lloenflys was chosen to lead. However, Lloenflys surprisingly resigned soon after, and Cordova I was selected as his replacement.

Debate topics centered around the ongoing Constitutional Convention, the Peoples Assembly, Half-Terms, and Court Reform. Notably, Senator Ervald pledged to only serve half his term (following in the footsteps of former Senator UPC) to show his commitment to the Half-Term Senate proposal. The 94th Europeian Senate quickly got to work, and several proposals are working their way through the Senatia.

First Frontier Day

May 2nd marked the first anniversary of Europeia becoming a Frontier. The event was celebrated with a festival that included games, meme contests, and speeches. President UPC noted that, despite the challenges that the region faced during those early days, “our success this last year has been about as resounding an affirmation of the Europeian spirit as [he] can imagine.” In recognition of the community’s efforts this past year, President UPC and Senator Ervald introduced an amendment to the Awards and Honours Act (2021), which would create a new title, Praetor, which translates to “one who goes before,” to be awarded to every Europeian citizen at the time of the festival.

One additional honor was granted during the festival. Le Libertie (LL), one of Europeia’s all time greatest recruiters and the region’s first Frontier Delegate, was nominated for an Ovation of the Senate. The Senate unanimously confirmed this Ovation, with Senator Comfed saying that “Le Libertie has always been a considered voice of reason, providing a sober second thought in an environment where many rush to move fast and break things.” LL will be officially granted the Order of Republica during a festival held in his honor next term.

Senate By-Election

There will be a Senate by-election due to the recent resignation of Speaker Lloenflys, prompted by real-life conflicts. Consequently, there will be an election to fill his vacant seat and complete the remainder of the term.

So far, three candidates have emerged for the vacant seat, each presenting their ideas and plans for the short-term tenure in the Senate. The candidates currently in the race as of Thursday morning are former Senator and Presidential Candidate Olde Delaware, Former Senator Gem, and Prov, who has recently returned to the region.
The pressing issues for this campaign appear to be changes to the Bar Association, the Junior Senator option, the Pioneer Amendment, and the Diplomatic Affairs Act. We will find out on Friday who emerges victorious!

NationStates Shutdown

For about 10 days beginning April 14th, the NationStates website experienced a database failure and went into shutdown, and it wasn’t until recently that update started running normally again and the last effects of the event faded. Although some ministries, like the Navy, Outreach, Gameside, and World Assembly Affairs were almost completely disabled for this period, game nights and other events kept Europeians busy and revealed the social strength of the region.

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  Hey I built a bot- Any ideas on what it should be used for?
Posted by: Spode - 05-08-2024, 07:13 PM - Forum: General Discussion - No Replies

Per the title, I built a bot (or at least part of it) that can make automated posts to our forum through the forum account Great Eastern. I've had a few ideas on things to do with it personally, but it would be cool to hear any other suggestions or ideas on functionalities it could have before going ahead and building it out.

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  The Curious Case of Issue Number 1507
Posted by: Spode - 05-08-2024, 06:45 PM - Forum: General Discussion - No Replies

This forum post contains spoilers for NationStates Issues!

Issue Number 1507, "Busting to Go" is one of the weirdest issues in NationStates. To all appearances, it's a normal issue about filibusters, but it has one interestingly out of place option- The last option.

Quote:“Chaps, this IS the system working, don’t you see?” explains an elder statesman, who has woken from a short nap, and is still wearing his nightcap. “The mechanisms of democracy have tangled the powers-that-be into blissful inaction, and befuddled the populace beneath a barrage of bureaucratic bewitchery. Politics drags on, the entire process of government is kicked to the long grass, and the country prospers because old fools like us don’t try to run things. Just sit back, listen, relax. The decades will fly by, and before you know it you’ll be retiring to the quango, cushy corporate advisory role or tropical island of your choice.” A black cat walks past and for a moment you experience a weird sense of déjà vu.

If you choose this, nothing will happen. No stat effects whatsoever. And you might think that the issue has been resolved. Until... It reappears. NationStates has some hidden and half-hidden flags on what issue to give to any nation at a given time, and issue 1507 is unique in that it can tick a hidden flag to give you the same issue. Again and again. Guaranteed. I have answered this issue twice, and still have it as an issue (where I am now storing it like a particularly hazardous SCP).

I think this issue is particularly comedic, because if you just go along with it and choose the option to ignore the filibuster, this issue will recur over and over again and prevent you from getting other government business done. Just like the filibuster.

So thanks to the NS issues editors who gave us this, and the techies for making it work.

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  8th Anniversary Awards - Winners
Posted by: gagium - 04-17-2024, 06:40 PM - Forum: Mirotvorets Plaza - No Replies

[Image: I1KwtdR.png]

8th Anniversary Awards
Awards Ceremony

The following awards were awarded to individuals based on the ballots the community cast for the 8th Anniversary Awards. 19 members in total cast ballots for the Anniversary Awards, and all winners were first nominated for their respective awards on the nominations thread. All graphics below were produced by Not Gagium and the League & Concord Department of Culture.
Roleplayer of the Year Award
Awarded to Monsilva.
Awarded to the individual who has shown the most dedication to worldbuilding and roleplay over the past year.
LDF Member of the Year Award
Awarded to The Eltran.
Awarded to the individual who has shown the most dedication to participating in the LDF over the past year. LDF officers are not included (eligible) for this award.

Politician of the Year Award
Awarded to Spode Humbled Minions / Mechanocracy.
Awarded to the individual who has shown the most dedication to regional government over the past year.

Newcomer of the Year Award
Awarded to Piffer / Araucarlia.
Awarded to the most dedicated individual who joined the community within the past year.
Terraconserva Award
Awarded to Monsilva, New Illyricum, and Creeperopolis.
Awarded to three individuals who have been active in roleplay over the past year.
LDF Award
Awarded to Anjan Kloss (Kivu), Kanjuura, and The Eltran.
Awarded to three individuals who have been active in the LDF over the past year.
Welcomer Award
Awarded to Anjan Kloss (Kivu).
Awarded to an individual who has gone out of their way to help newcomers get involved in the community.

Quote of the Year Award
Awarded to Council of Feathers for his quote, "Intrusive thoughts have reminded me that my current state of absolute power allows me to turn Concord into milk ... The region would in mere seconds advance the equivalent of many years if that were to happen. But alas, rules are rules."
Awarded to an individual to which a particularly memorable quote from the past year can be attributed to.

The following two awards were not featured on the ballot, and were awarded based on specific accomplishments in the community.

Top Recruiter Award
Awarded to Anjan Kloss (Kivu) - 2,555 recruiting hours since 20 February 2023
Awarded to the individual who has accumulated the most recruiting hours over the past year.

Worldbuilding Competition Award
Awarded to Gjorka - Two First Place Finishes 
Awarded to the individual who has performed the best in the Terraconserva Worldbuilding Competition, ran by Creeperopolis and Spode Humbled Minions on behalf of the Department of Culture.

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  How resilient are we against platform failure?
Posted by: Spode - 04-16-2024, 03:40 PM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (3)

"If civilization sinks tomorrow, which of us would be sunk?"

I'm going to expand on this post later, but I think Christmas and this most recent failure of NS raises the question of what we do when it's no longer around. We're current an NS community, and that unfortunately means that if NS ceases to exist, a core component of our community just ceases to exist- In particular, our ability to find new community members. Not good. Similarly, if Discord ever runs out of money (a real possibility considering that, according to most sources, it's running at a loss on other venture capitalist ghoul money) then substantial amounts of regional history would be lost forever. Also not good.


I don't know what we should do about this, but it's something to keep in mind.

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  [Discussion] Governmental Reform
Posted by: im_a_waffle1 - 04-11-2024, 03:28 AM - Forum: Council of the Republic - Replies (6)

How much have you changed in five years? I've changed a lot. The League has, too. It changed its name- from the League of Conservative Nations to simply the League. It added a new region in the form of Concord, showing the world that our community, our region, can hold its ground in multiple places at once while still being able to have one of if not the largest defender military on NS. It has grown from hovering just around 100 nations to over 1300! It went from being a GP pariah to one of the most influential regions in all of GP. It underwent huge moderation reforms, purging bad actors and making the region shine cleaner than ever. It has a massively active community, challenging even feeders in the number of people who choose to call our community their home.

Why, then, has our Constitution not changed? By my count, the Constitution has been amended only once by a Council vote, and it was just for the regional move from LCN to the League (Also the addition of Concord and the removal of the Court(?), but these appear to have not been voted on by the Council). This is compounded by the fact that our Constitution is incredibly short and leaves many things up for interpretation- for example, the Speaker has no real powers, only being granted the vague role of "encouraging and facilitating improvements in regional legislation" which makes the position of Speaker seem more ceremonial than anything. It seems to me that this was more of a transitional Constitution, and that the government of the League for the last five years has just been transitional.

I'm not arguing for the full democratization of the League. Instead, what I envision is similar to a semi-constitutional monarchy like Monaco, where the monarch- in this case, the Consulate- retains some government power, but other power is delegated to other bodies and the legislature. I, personally, do not like investing too much power into a small group of people- it creates too much risk for disaster, especially if one or more people in the group are volatile- so I may be more inclined to give less power to the Consulate and more power to an elected head of government and legislature. Although, that's all up for discussion- everything is, that's why I made this thread.

I'd like to put out some major points of discussion and my opinions:

The Consulate

The Consulate should remain as it is- a group of three, led by a Chief Consul. However, my idea is to strip away some of its powers. Currently, the Consulate receives virtually unchecked power under Article 2, Section 2.I of the current Constitution which states, "The Consulate shall use their authority to facilitate regional development and progress." What "regional development and progress" is isn't defined, meaning the Consulate can do virtually anything under the guise of regional development. This is made worse by the fact that the Council has no way to stop the Consulate from doing something, as the Consulate could simply veto anything the Council passes under Article 2, Section 2.IV- "The Consulate maintains veto rights over the Council of the Republic in dire situations..." What are "dire situations?" The Constitution does go on to provide examples, like "Constitutional questionability" and "regional security," but those are just examples and "dire situations" could mean anything, such as the perpetual state of war we are in. After all, the reasoning is as simple as "we are in war, we need to commandeer the region and rule by decree."

Instead, the Consulate should have limited veto powers. The Council should be able to override Consulate veto. In addition, I would propose adding "Consulate Orders" or some other, better name which are immediately effective orders issued by the Consulate that can be struck down by the Council at any time.

The Speaker

The Speaker has barely any legal definition other than what I mentioned earlier. Instead of what we have now, I propose having an elected Speaker that serves as a head of government. They share the executive with the Consulate. The Speaker appoints cabinet members or ministers or whatever we want to call them to run departments or ministries, like we have now. So, instead of having a law defining the Department of Culture like we have now, a Speaker will choose if they want to have a Department of Culture and then appoints whoever they see fit for the job.

The Council

Nominations are stupid and bad and we should get rid of them. What I propose instead is an application system, similar to citizenship, where someone applies to be a Council Delegate and then they are either approved or not. Instead of using the nominations as a kind of de facto activity check, we could instead have an actual activity check at the end of every month or every other month and anyone who hasn't voted in at least half the votes in an activity check period (or CTEs or left or any other thing that would cause them to be ineligible) gets removed and will have to reapply.

In addition, we need to have some kind of Council clerk or something who updates the law archive on the forums and on the wiki and runs votes. In general, they would just manage the day-to-day operations of the Council instead of just tacking that responsibility onto the Consulate. I'm thinking something like what TSP has where the clerk would be voted in and then would serve until resignation or ineligibility, and they could appoint deputies who would help with their duties. The clerk could also manage Council Delegate applications as anyone who goes that far should have already been thoroughly vetted during their citizen application.

Some minor points I'd also like to address in a potential new Constitution (and associated new laws):
  • Defining the DSB as a legal institution. Right now it just kind of "exists" with no legal basis and it would be nice to fix that.
  • WA Delegates. I think the best way to handle this is to have the Delegate of the League be a specific Consul and the Delegate of Concord just be anyone on the DSB. We could always have appointed Delegates for Concord, but I think with the nature of the frontier it may just be easier to allow either Spode, Fandom, or Neo to be Delegate at any given time. The status quo works too, though.
  • Generally we just need to elaborate on more things and give specifics. The current Constitution feels incredibly rushed.
  • We should have a Criminal Code.
  • The judiciary: No. Although that doesn't necessarily mean the status quo is good, either. An idea I came up with was the concept of the "legislative court," where the Speaker, a Consul, or perhaps a Chief Justice (although I don't like this) appoints three Council Delegates (who are willing to participate and do not have a conflict of interest) to a jury, which hears the case and then comes up with an opinion. This seems to me as the best way to take the responsibility off of the Consulate while not having an actual court.
  • The Council should be perpetually convened, and there should be a specific way to bring a proposed bill to a vote, e.g. a seconded motion after a bit of time.
  • A motion of no confidence by the Council against the Speaker, the Consulate, or a specific Consul could also be added. We could also add a way to recall the clerk or whatever we decide to call it.
  • New Consuls should be approved by the Council.
  • Anything else I'm forgetting.

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