Board Statistics
Totals Averages
Posts: 5,261
Threads: 325
Members: 1,195
Posts per day: 5.9
Threads per day: 0.36
Members per day: 1.34
Posts per member: 4.4
Threads per member: 0.27
Replies per thread: 15.19
Newest Member: New Parne
Members who have posted: 77.32%
Today's top poster: New Parne (1 posts)
Most popular forum: Spam Games (1,866 posts, 22 threads)
Top referrer: Quebecshire (98 referrals)

Most Popular…
Most Replied To Threads Most Viewed Threads
Last to post wins (1,324 replies)
Citizenship Application (1,115 replies)
RP Sign-Ups (500 replies)
Tug of War (210 replies)
Count to 50 without a Consul posting (190 replies)
Military Application (176 replies)
TL&C NFL Playoff Pick’em Challenge (2025) (47 replies)
TL&C NFL Playoff Pick’em Challenge (2024) (41 replies)
Nuclear Power Application (38 replies)
Start a word with the fourth letter of the previous word. (36 replies)
Introduce yourself here! (34 replies)
quebec shire (post as many sus as u can) (27 replies)
Last to post wins (638,978 views)
Citizenship Application (518,112 views)
RP Sign-Ups (249,339 views)
Count to 50 without a Consul posting (140,967 views)
Tug of War (131,066 views)
Military Application (86,723 views)
Introduce yourself here! (55,154 views)
Nuclear Power Application (24,684 views)
Start a word with the fourth letter of the previous word. (19,699 views)
Will you press the Button? (15,466 views)
quebec shire (post as many sus as u can) (13,580 views)
TL&C NFL Playoff Pick’em Challenge (2024) (9,921 views)
Signature Feature (9,788 views)
Executive Overview Thread (9,006 views)
Recruitment Program Ideas (8,845 views)

Most Awarded
  Username Total
1 Spode 2
2 Terry 2
3 Council of Feathers 1
4 Kanjuura 1
5 Quebecshire 1
6 New makasta 1
7 Salisford 1
8 Tirol 1
9 Paleocacher 1
10 Icaris 1
11 Kivu 1
12 Eleu 1
13 Gjorka 1

Lastest Awarded
  Username Total
1 Kivu 03-26-2023, 01:10 AM
2 Paleocacher 02-18-2023, 02:18 AM
3 New makasta 02-16-2023, 06:04 AM
4 Terry 02-16-2023, 06:03 AM
5 Quebecshire 02-16-2023, 06:02 AM
6 Kanjuura 02-16-2023, 06:02 AM
7 Tirol 02-16-2023, 05:52 AM
8 Spode 02-16-2023, 05:51 AM
9 Spode 02-16-2023, 05:50 AM
10 Gjorka 02-16-2023, 05:48 AM
11 Terry 02-16-2023, 05:46 AM
12 Eleu 02-16-2023, 05:45 AM
13 Icaris 02-16-2023, 05:44 AM
14 Salisford 02-16-2023, 05:41 AM
15 Council of Feathers 02-16-2023, 05:41 AM