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8th Anniversary Awards - Winners
[Image: I1KwtdR.png]

8th Anniversary Awards
Awards Ceremony

The following awards were awarded to individuals based on the ballots the community cast for the 8th Anniversary Awards. 19 members in total cast ballots for the Anniversary Awards, and all winners were first nominated for their respective awards on the nominations thread. All graphics below were produced by Not Gagium and the League & Concord Department of Culture.
Roleplayer of the Year Award
Awarded to Monsilva.
Awarded to the individual who has shown the most dedication to worldbuilding and roleplay over the past year.
LDF Member of the Year Award
Awarded to The Eltran.
Awarded to the individual who has shown the most dedication to participating in the LDF over the past year. LDF officers are not included (eligible) for this award.

Politician of the Year Award
Awarded to Spode Humbled Minions / Mechanocracy.
Awarded to the individual who has shown the most dedication to regional government over the past year.

Newcomer of the Year Award
Awarded to Piffer / Araucarlia.
Awarded to the most dedicated individual who joined the community within the past year.
Terraconserva Award
Awarded to Monsilva, New Illyricum, and Creeperopolis.
Awarded to three individuals who have been active in roleplay over the past year.
LDF Award
Awarded to Anjan Kloss (Kivu), Kanjuura, and The Eltran.
Awarded to three individuals who have been active in the LDF over the past year.
Welcomer Award
Awarded to Anjan Kloss (Kivu).
Awarded to an individual who has gone out of their way to help newcomers get involved in the community.

Quote of the Year Award
Awarded to Council of Feathers for his quote, "Intrusive thoughts have reminded me that my current state of absolute power allows me to turn Concord into milk ... The region would in mere seconds advance the equivalent of many years if that were to happen. But alas, rules are rules."
Awarded to an individual to which a particularly memorable quote from the past year can be attributed to.

The following two awards were not featured on the ballot, and were awarded based on specific accomplishments in the community.

Top Recruiter Award
Awarded to Anjan Kloss (Kivu) - 2,555 recruiting hours since 20 February 2023
Awarded to the individual who has accumulated the most recruiting hours over the past year.

Worldbuilding Competition Award
Awarded to Gjorka - Two First Place Finishes 
Awarded to the individual who has performed the best in the Terraconserva Worldbuilding Competition, ran by Creeperopolis and Spode Humbled Minions on behalf of the Department of Culture.
Consul of the Republic | Delegate of The League | Domestic Security Bureau

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