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Europeia Monthly Updates
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by Ellenburg, Sanjurika, Sincluda, and UPC

Senate Elections - April 2024

On April 20, a new slate of Senators was elected to the Europeian Senate. Nine candidates stood, and citizens voted to make the top seven be elected. Candidates Lloenflys, Prim, Ervald, Cordova I, Comfed, JayDee, and Rand were all elected. The first order of business was selecting a Speaker, of which Lloenflys was chosen to lead. However, Lloenflys surprisingly resigned soon after, and Cordova I was selected as his replacement.

Debate topics centered around the ongoing Constitutional Convention, the Peoples Assembly, Half-Terms, and Court Reform. Notably, Senator Ervald pledged to only serve half his term (following in the footsteps of former Senator UPC) to show his commitment to the Half-Term Senate proposal. The 94th Europeian Senate quickly got to work, and several proposals are working their way through the Senatia.

First Frontier Day

May 2nd marked the first anniversary of Europeia becoming a Frontier. The event was celebrated with a festival that included games, meme contests, and speeches. President UPC noted that, despite the challenges that the region faced during those early days, “our success this last year has been about as resounding an affirmation of the Europeian spirit as [he] can imagine.” In recognition of the community’s efforts this past year, President UPC and Senator Ervald introduced an amendment to the Awards and Honours Act (2021), which would create a new title, Praetor, which translates to “one who goes before,” to be awarded to every Europeian citizen at the time of the festival.

One additional honor was granted during the festival. Le Libertie (LL), one of Europeia’s all time greatest recruiters and the region’s first Frontier Delegate, was nominated for an Ovation of the Senate. The Senate unanimously confirmed this Ovation, with Senator Comfed saying that “Le Libertie has always been a considered voice of reason, providing a sober second thought in an environment where many rush to move fast and break things.” LL will be officially granted the Order of Republica during a festival held in his honor next term.

Senate By-Election

There will be a Senate by-election due to the recent resignation of Speaker Lloenflys, prompted by real-life conflicts. Consequently, there will be an election to fill his vacant seat and complete the remainder of the term.

So far, three candidates have emerged for the vacant seat, each presenting their ideas and plans for the short-term tenure in the Senate. The candidates currently in the race as of Thursday morning are former Senator and Presidential Candidate Olde Delaware, Former Senator Gem, and Prov, who has recently returned to the region.
The pressing issues for this campaign appear to be changes to the Bar Association, the Junior Senator option, the Pioneer Amendment, and the Diplomatic Affairs Act. We will find out on Friday who emerges victorious!

NationStates Shutdown

For about 10 days beginning April 14th, the NationStates website experienced a database failure and went into shutdown, and it wasn’t until recently that update started running normally again and the last effects of the event faded. Although some ministries, like the Navy, Outreach, Gameside, and World Assembly Affairs were almost completely disabled for this period, game nights and other events kept Europeians busy and revealed the social strength of the region.

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☆ Introduction by Vice President Grea Kriopia

Hello all! Welcome to Europeia's June Foreign Update: Voices from the Outer World. Rest assured we will not be permanently rebranding Europeia after Dune -- these are just some temporary aesthetics for the administration. This month's edition features a number of exciting updates implemented on our new foreign update template, including some shiny new graphics. Read below about news from Europeia's domestic affairs such as recent Senate elections and a potential revival of the People's Assembly as well as major culture events hosted recently like the ovation of Le Libertie and EuroPride 2024. We've also got a neat deep-dive on the Europeian Book Club and a special Gameside feature about Minister Andusre's RMB Questions of the Day. Finally, our update includes any recently published content from Euro's bustling media scene for your enjoyment. We hope you enjoy and learn a bit about our region along the way!

Below are some short extracts from this month's update. For the full update with SkyGreen's delightful new graphics, see the dispatch version!

? Regional News by Grea Kriopia, Westinor, Andusre, and Maowi

Population: 1,188 | Delegate Endorsements: 246

President UPC | Speaker Decacon | Chief Justice Primorye Oblast

Ellenburg Narrowly Victorious in Third Senate By-Election

Forced to a run-off, Ellenburg defeated John Laurens in the third by-election of the Senate term with 57.1% of the vote (24 votes to 18). The two faced off after already clearing a crowded field of competitors, with Caldrasa and Industhan defeated in the first round of voting and Grandfather Clock withdrawing candidacy after being involuntarily nominated. John Laurens conceded defeat gracefully at the end of voting and promised to launch another campaign in the coming Senate General Election at the end of this month.

Le Libertie Celebrated in Ovation Festival

To mark Le Libertie's receipt of Europeia's highest honour, nominated by President upc and confirmed by the 94th Senate, the Ministry of Culture ran a festival in our beloved tortoise enthusiast's honour. As well as spam games and a dispatch contest run by the Ministry of Gameside, multiple high-profile Europeians have stepped forward to speak at length on the former Europeian Delegate and current Regional Security Council member. Delegate upc reminisced about Le Libertie’s work alongside them in numerous gameside endeavours, the debate between Europeia’s future as a Frontier or Stronghold, and the development of gameside security after its transition to Frontier status. Supreme Chancellor Lethen then made sure to recount Le Libertie’s time as Vice Chancellor and talk about his broader impact as a community member, and Pland Adanna stepped in to tell of Le Libertie’s momentous influence on Europeian interior affairs and recruitment. Here’s to you, Le Libertie!

... and much more!

? Culture Highlight: The Official Unofficial Europeian Book Club by Fillet minion

Fostering a love of reading since the year 1326 (trust them), the Official Unofficial Europeian Book Club has in recent months become a hub of activity in the Palace of the People. Executive superdeputy Fillet minion (aka 12 AAA Batteries) sat down with founder Lloenflys for a chat about this cultural staple.

FM: What prompted you to start the Club?

Lloen: I have always enjoyed the idea of book clubs generally, and I had tried a few times previously to start one in Euro but it usually died out pretty quickly. This time when we decided to read Orconomics, a few people actually were reading along with us so it seemed like it was having more success. Tasting that success, I decided to formalize things (that's why I called it the "Official Unofficial" book club ... it started off as an unofficial assembly and then was formalized, and I wanted to honor that history in the title).

FM: Favourite book the Club has read so far?

Lloen: I think either the first one, Orconomics, or the second one, Tress of the Emerald Sea. Both were a lot of fun. Tress was a better book, and was the first one we read after a vote, so it holds the edge for that reason. But Orconomics is special because it is the one that held things together for long enough for the club to coalesce as a real thing.

Read the rest of the interview here!
Sincluda of Europeia

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☆ Introduction by President UPC

Hello everyone, and welcome to Europeia's July Foreign Update: This Newsletter Never Ju-lies! We have a lot to celebrate this month, from our Vice President Grea Kriopia's commendation, to our new treaty with the South Pacific. And this edition also contains a special segment on The Great Book of Lard -- In Its Incompletion, a work in progress by the brilliant Grandfather Clock. And of course, we've included some media highlights from the EBC and EBC radio, such as The Wacky History of Europeian Religions. Without further ado, let's get into the update!

Below are some short extracts from this month's update. For the full update, see the dispatch version!

☆ Regional News by Maowi, Andusre, and Istillian

Population: 1,215 | Delegate Endorsements: 276

President UPC | Speaker Rand | Chief Justice Prim

Delegate UPC Reaches Endorsement High

Our region's WA delegate UPC reached 283 recorded endorsements on the 25th July, which is the highest this metric has been since upc took the position over 300 days ago. This regional high is in spite of recent activity in the Europeian Republican Navy, whose operations commonly decrease WA Delegate endorsements as players move their WAs abroad to serve the interests of Europeia. A strong showing from our region is of special importance in these and the coming days, with several proposals of Europeian interest on the Security Council voting floor, in the queue, and on the drafting forum.

Grea Kriopia Receives Security Council Commendation

The Commendation of Europeia's Vice President Grea Kriopia (GK) has resoundingly passed the Security Council after four days of voting in which the result never seemed in real doubt. In her half a year or so as a Europeian citizen she has become a hugely treasured member of the community, as well as an incredibly valued contributor to regional government with her years of experience across NationStates. It is these years that Commendation co-authors UPC and Westinor detail in the resolution; her expertise spans military gameplay, cultural events, mentorship, diplomacy, and more, and she has had huge achievements in 10000 Islands, The Order of the Grey Wardens, The Rejected Realms, and in interregional events. Congratulations GK on this thoroughly deserved honour!

... and much more!

☆ Culture Highlight: The Great Book of Lard — In Its Incompletion

The ever-growing Great Book of Lard has graced the Republic Square since August 2023, causing divine rapture among readers throughout the many months of its sprawl. It stands at a staggering word count of more than 22,000 at the time of writing. We include as a taster the newest revelation (xii. Burial), a few words with its creator (the one and only Grandfather Clock aka GC), and some reviews from its Europeian devotees.

xii. Burial

There you sit, your waist all drenched in Murk. Oughtn’t you weep for what is to come, that everdreaded thatchery that overtakes you so? It is in complement to those who did come before, though you did not, having known they did come and you did not, why did you come if not to come as they did? You should have known better.

The Moon descends on her delicate slick of limbs from upwards. She is come to greet you, to slip her arms into yours. Feel that comfort, and you will be cleverly slumpt free. Every bloodoar you have seeps and weeps in grief for their fanged body to be unhoused and for their own to be unsheathed. You oughn’t weep for what is to come, lest that everdreaded thatchery overtakes you so.

You can count four fetid flowers thorned into your palm since the first branch waxed from that slipsome earth, since the lightsome and His bests crawled aheavenwards. You are the first of the daylings to make it this far. This will not go unpunished.
Erratum. This is no dreaded punishment.

Ere was it revelled, that moonshine did permeate those lands of craum and tempt, when you daunted and chanted for those aughs up nighly, who did not in hindsight flail you or others anyso. You wended and wandered, tempted and singed, tapping evermight etch plain dread into every a collarbone snapped briskly. Dread and dream, valleyfolk.

There came a time, not yet chewed and spat, where the daunting and crauming and shrieking and flailing became all too little much, sending sole, now that haughbest yheavenfrom, twisting and writhing homewards. And you were craumed with the best of them, charred friends and friends alike, outsights drained of let, where only carnations grew from their emptied eyeholes.

You were craumed alike, sprung when great swamps drowned dry land parch, shaken when drywet land roiled seethe you see your moonshone ways in fail. A great plundering took sole from valleyhame, thatching welcome otherways. You are not welcome here. Yet you have made it this far, anaw uncrossed if not for, yet made seen selve in your corpse for sole in grave did plant that honeysooth liquorsome froe, sprouted anupwards nothing at all, for its sake.

Read the rest of xii. Burial, GC's commentary, and reviews for the Great Book of Lard here!
Sincluda of Europeia

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☆ Introduction by President UPC

Good afternoon, denizens of NationStates, and welcome to Europeia's August Foreign Update! August was another busy month for our grand Republic, with the conclusion of our latest Presidential election, a significant milestone for our World Assembly population, and lots of ERN activity. Also in this update, we share some of the latest Europeians to be birbed by the Venerable Lloenflys in his Modest Ornithological Proposal - Volume 7. You can find all of this, and much more in our August Foreign Update: The Lightning Thief

Below are some short extracts from this month's update for the full update see the dispatch version,

☆ Regional News by Grea Kriopia

Population: 1,246 | Delegate Endorsements: 298

President UPC | Speaker Rand | Chief Justice Prim

President UPC and Vice President GK Sail Through Re-Election August 3

The start of August once again signalled Presidential elections in Europeia where President UPC and Vice President Grea Kriopia ran uncontested into a third term for the Present. The ticket was elected with 54 votes (81.8%) of the vote while Re-Open Elections(ROE) got 12 votes(18.2%), handily swatting down any chance of ROE in the first round. The newly re-elected upc and GK announced their Cabinet on live radio to include several familiar faces of Ministers from the previous term such as Andy, Azell, Europeia aka Sky, and Sincluda but also several new faces such as Ambrella, Gem, The Islamic Country of Honour EIA, Not to Fret, and Vorhollah.

Europeia Celebrates 300 Endorsements Milestone

In an increase from the previous update, Delegate UPC has earned 300 endorsements, becoming the first Europeia Delegate to reach this milestone since October 2020. The Regional Security Council (RSC) lauded the accomplishment in a statement on August 25 and expressed the body was "supremely grateful to all those who have helped us achieve these victories..." Europeia now has an 86% endorsement rate, with 304 out of 355 World Assembly members supporting after former President Rand's Statement on World Assembly Membership, when compared to the prior rate of 78%, this represents a notable gain. Moving forward, the RSC aims to increase World Assembly engagement and citizen participation in order to maintain the momentum for regional security and progress.

Realm of the Whispering Winds Secured With ERN At the Helm

Nearly three years after the loss of their founder, the Realm of the Whispering Winds (RotWW) is finally secure once again from the threat of raiders. Xvraks, a longtime resident of the region, worked with an ERN-led Libcord coalition to transition the region first to a Frontier, and then to a Stronghold with Xvraks as the governor. In a statement, Xvraks thanked defenders for their aid in securing the region, and promised to bring "terror once again to the high seas, but this time, to the raiders directly." We wish Xvraks and RotWW the best in their rebuilding efforts!

... and much more!

☆ Culture Highlight: A Modest Ornithological Proposal - Volume 7

A Modest Ornithological Proposal was started by the Arnhelm Ornithological Center in July 2019 in a bid to rename some of Europeia's common bird species after some of its hallowed citizens and notable community members. The birds selected by the Arnhelm Ornithological Center are often reflective of the citizens' personality and traits to ensure scientific accuracy and endearing hilarity, resulting in the renaming of the common Rock Pigeon to the Jortbird after King HEM for the love of jorts for example. The series has continued since then and expanded in size over time to roughly 42 birds -- or "birbings" as they have been affectionately named. Enjoy a snippet of this series below!

A Modest Ornithological Proposal - Volume 7

Written By Lloenflys

Introduction From the Author
(8/25/2024 - Arnhelm Ornithological Center)
- Ten months ago, volume 6 of a Modest Ornithological Proposal was released by this renowned institution, and I had every intention of issuing another within about 3-4 months, as a backlog of deserving souls had built up who had not yet been birbed. Alas, while researching a rare Antipodean Istillianbird, I found myself falling down a treacherous cliff, trapped on a treacherous ice floe with no plausible hope. I despaired, thinking that never again would I have a chance to bestow any birbings. The end was nigh. And then ... my salvation. A pair of Emperor Penguins who I named Herbert and Jiminy mistook me for a very large, very ugly penguin chick and adopted me into their ersatz penguin family. They graciously nursed me back to health, taught me the ins and outs of penguin society, and when they decided I was ready, they used their radio to call in a ship to come get me. Yes, the penguins had a radio. Yes, they could have gotten me off their ice floe at any time and chose not to. Don't dwell on it.
Anywhoo, the wait is over. Today, a motley crew of deserving Europeians find themselves the newfound recipients of birbings. Congratulations, and may you forever line your nest with all the best feathers, grasses, and other assorted fluffs - and decorate it with all the best shiny objects.

Reviews of A Modest Ornithological Proposal

"Oh how delightful! How colorful! How noisy and pesky and trickstery! It's like you took me right from the lore and gave me wings! I love it, lloen!" – Kuramia

"I am massively happy with my birb. I appreciate the thought you've put behind each one of these assignments, and it shows off both your knowledge of birbs and your intuition for others' personalities. Wonderful job, Hlow!" – Hezekon

“I think my measure of true success in Europeia has changed to, "but have you been birbed?". Lloen, this was a great honour, I've always been a big fan of this series of articles, it's a dream come true to be included in one of them. I couldn't think of a better bird for me either!” – Istillian
Sincluda of Europeia

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☆ Introduction by Minister of Foreign Affairs Istillian

G'day folks! Welcome to Europeia's September Foreign Update: Damnatio Memoriae. This month's edition features some very exciting developments from Europeia, from the return of an Honoured Citizen to the Senate, to the loss of The Black Hawks' long-standing Condemnation. We also highlight some of our latest cultural events, the University of Europeia's Cultural Extravaganza and the Deadline Dodgers jumping into N-Day. Why not dive into the latest articles and listen in to EBC Radio while you're here? Mostly, we hope you enjoy reading all about us and our friends in this latest update!

Below are some short extracts from this month's update. For the full see the dispatch version!

Regional News by Istillian

Population: 1,268 | Delegate Endorsements: 258

President UPC | Speaker Cordova_i | Chief Justice Primorye Oblast

HEM Wins People's Assembly Chair Elections

On September 6, 2024, founder of Europeia, HEM, stood for the upcoming People's Assembly Chair running on a platform titled "Who Am I? Why Am I Here?" His campaign focused on four key promises: making effective use of the Assembly's oversight powers, expanding the role of resolutions in shaping regional discussions, reviewing membership structures and ordinances, and fostering pre-legislation efforts. HEM won the election on September 10 with 91.4% of the vote (32 votes in favour, 3 for Re-open Elections). In his opening speech as Chair, HEM said "Together we will do what is hard and achieve what is great. And perhaps, in 2035 I'll be writing long twisty posts about all of you who were here in this moment and made it all possible."

Sopo Returns to the Senate

Ambrella aka Sopo has won the last Senate by-election which followed the resignation of former Senator Prov. Sopo won ~60% of the vote against opponent Olde Delaware jr. Sopo is now occupying one of five seats in the 96th Senate. Following his victory, Senator Sopo posted in his campaign thread, saying: "Thanks to all who voted for me despite the last-minute campaign, and thanks to OD for stepping up to the plate. I look forward to continue earning your support through the rest of the term."

TBH Lose a Badge

After having their first Condemnation repealed, The Black Hawks have now officially lost their second Condemnation as a result of the repeal by Westinor. This marks the end of a 13-year-long recognition of their activities, with the original Condemnation passing back in 2011. The proposal saw overwhelming support, passing with a significant margin of 7,435 votes in favour and 4,029 votes against. The effort to repeal both Condemnations in Europeia was sparked by President UPC's speech, 'Damnatio Memoriae'.

The Deadline Dodgers go Nuclear
September 29, 2024 marked one of two annual N-Day events and Europeia's faction, the Deadline Dodgers, alongside friends from The League and Concord and Balder did quite well despite it's low-key mantra and smaller size. The Deadline Dodgers ranked between 5th and 7th place on the leaderboard. up until getting eaten by the HotA mega faction.

Autocracies and Democracies in NationStates

The EBC hosted a debate on Autocracies and Democracies in NationStates. Xoriet and Quebecshire argued in favor of autocracy, while Peeps and Calvin Coolidge defended democracy. Hosted by current Minister of Communications Vorhollah, the show discusses regional leadership and represents two opposite sides in a nuanced debate on governance. Available on Spotify or on your Browser.

... and much more!

? Culture Highlight: The University of Europeia's Cultural Extravaganza

Europeia’s latest cultural event, the University of Europeia Cultural Extravaganza, recently ran from September 30 to October 5. Europeian citizens were invited to take part in an academic experience that transported them into the heart of a bustling university. Organised by Istillian and Turbiatop with assistance from the Ministry of Culture, they created a campus, complete with Europeian Houses, lectures, activities, and spam competitions.

The event began with Professor SkyGreen offering a thorough guide on crafting a solid Information for Voters (IFV) assessment in an EBC Radio interview, now transcribed and available in the EBC.

Throughout the week, attendees were also treated to a mix of practical and intellectual classes. Defending 101, led by current Grand Admiral, Professor Sincluda, and even a Chess Club session with Professor Lloenflys, a more casual yet competitive break from lectures.

Current Minister of Communications, Professor Vorhollah, treated us to reviewing the considerations for setting up an EBC interview in the University of Europeia Lecture Hall, whereas our Attorney General, Professor Azell, created a Find the Legal issues-Classroom quiz alongside current Senator Lloenflys.

An Inkarnate Map-Making Contest was held by Minister of Gameside Affairs, Professor Andy, and Minister of Culture, Professor Not to Fret held trivia time. The End of Term Graduation and House Ceremony is to be presented by Vice Headmistress GK soon, closing the event out.

As a joint host of the event, Sturklisan reflected on the event saying "I really liked getting this festival up and running. It is always satisfying to see work you put effort and work in succeed well and watching everybody reaping the benefits of what you have done for Europeia and the fun of Europeians. That is why I like being part of The Ministry of Culture."

If you want to get in on the fun and find out which Europeian House you would belong to, why not take our Buzzfeed quiz right here?

Sincluda of Europeia

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☆ Introduction by Minister of Foreign Affairs Sincluda

Hello world, and welcome to Europeia’s October Foreign Update! October was an exciting month for the region, beginning with a presidential election and ending with Halloween festivities. In this edition, we recap all of that and more, including highlights on the latest from the Europeian Broadcasting Corporation and the up-and-coming Europeian Paranormal and Supernatural Society. We hope you enjoy this glimpse into Europeia’s realm as you read through A Link Between Worlds.

Below are some short extracts from this month's update. For the full see the dispatch version!

Regional News by various

Population: 1,270 | Delegate Endorsements: 265

President UPC | Speaker Cordova_i | Chief Justice Primorye Oblast

Presidential Election Won By UPC / Grea Kriopia Ticket, Run-Off Avoided by Ervald
Facing down two competing tickets (Ellenburg/Cordova and Vor/Andusre) with a confident and proactive campaign, UPC/GK secured 52.5% of the votes on October 11th. The UPC/GK ticket ran on a Zelda-themed platform, centering on Passing the Baton, Tech, and the ongoing Wars. Their opponents, Ellenburg/Cordova and Vor/Andusre won 19.7% and 27.9% of the vote respectively. Ellenburg/Cordova’s platform focused on a frontier platform, a more aggressive Navy, and a combined media ministry. Vor/Andusre’s platform focused on Strengthening Independence, cultural events that are more inclusive, and media that help simplify discussions of complex issues. There were 61 votes cast in total, a slightly lower turnout compared to the last Presidential election where UPC/GK ran unopposed.

Election Reform Squeezes Past Referendum by Sincluda
After months of discussion in the Senate, and passing a narrow public referendum vote, a new Elections Act was made law Sunday, October 20th. The new Elections Act transforms the way elections are conducted in Europeia, most notably by shifting to an “approval voting” system for Senate elections, where voters have no restrictions on the number of candidates they may vote for, and all who receive majority support are elected. It also eliminates Senate size polling, and Senate size is instead determined by the number of candidates elected. The original bill proposing this concept, the Approval Voting Amendment Act, was vetoed by President UPC following a lengthy legislative assessment by then-Attorney General Calvin Coolidge back in June. The concept remained popular enough to remain on the Senate floor, but not without significant debate; the Elections Act only passed by a vote of 3-2 on Tuesday, October 8, where it was then sent to the President’s desk. President UPC sent the bill to referendum “due to the scope of the changes present in [the] act and their focus on elections -- one of our region's key sources of activity.”

The bill remained in referendum debate for four days and was the source of lively activity, including an EBC Op-Ed and debate broadcast. The two most prominent debaters were The Ven. Senator Decacon (Rand), who was the bill’s primary author and heralded the simpler voter experience it would bring, and The Ven. PhDre, who argued it would lead to less competitive elections. The bill came to a vote on Saturday, October 19th, and polls closed the day after, in which it achieved a narrow victory of 19-17. The new Elections Act is already facing reform, as some issues brought up during the debate have led Senator Rand to begin drafting the Run-Off Improvement Act.

Halloween and Zombies Arrive in Europeia by Grea Kriopia
Europeia celebrated Halloween with a variety of events this year coinciding with the annual Z-Day event. From the Ministries of Culture and Gameside, citizens participated in a Halloween costume contest with their spookiest looks as well as a Gameside flag contest challenging Europeians to bring out their best Halloween vexillology. The costume contest saw submissions of cute pumpkin cats, murderous cult-building lambs, re-designed Euro flags, and a particularly scary French flag while the Gameside flag contest featured fun flag re-designs with spiders, bats, and more. Topping all of these celebrations off was a spooky movie night hosted by President upc on Halloween night watching Ghostbusters!

Celebrations were interrupted by a surprise arrival of the undead, causing President upc to issue an emergency radio broadcast to the region for Europeia's Z-Day plans. This year, Euro pursued two government-backed groups exterminating zombies and pursuing a cure, although efforts were hampered by a dark cult of zombie followers led by Kuramia! The region fought valiantly before ultimately succumbing to the zombie horde. Event organizer Europeia aka SkyGreen created an achievement badge for all those who participated!

Joint ERN-SPSF Wargames Sharpen Sailors' Skills by Grea Kriopia
Last week, the Europeian Republican Navy (ERN) completed a series of wargames with our friends from the South Pacific Special Forces (SPSF) focused on chasing and move+endorse training. ERN sailors and SPSF troops alike jumped from region to region with one another thanks to the diligent guidance of ERN and SPSF officers, testing their skills in hypothetical games to be put to use on the battlefield in the future. For the ERN, 8 sailors reported in total in a fantastic turnout and training opportunity for our Navy. Thanks to our SPSF for their help in organizing!

More Regions Adopt Asperta by UPC
Europeia recently entered into an agreement with the South Pacific to share the Asperta Recruitment Bot with them. The bot, written by Europeia's Presidential Technology Commission, is now in use in The North Pacific, The League & Concord, 10000 Islands, The Region That Has No Big Banks, and the South Pacific. This comes after the announcement of the retirement of Dot's recruitment features earlier this year, which posed a significant obstacle to recruitment in many regions across NationStates. Asperta was initially only designed to support recruitment in a single region, but a major overhaul of the bot's internals over the summer allowed Europeia to share our technology with other regions. Regions seeking access to this recruitment tech should contact Europeia's Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sincluda.

... and much more!

? Culture Highlight: The Europeian Paranormal and Supernatural Society
The Europeian Paranormal and Supernatural Society began in late September 2024, founded by Cordova I, Azell (Ellenburg), and Empire of Caldrasa. The Society gained many new members throughout October–appropriate for the spooky season! When asked to describe the club, Founder & Society President Cordova I had the following to say:

The Europeian Paranormal and Supernatural Society is interested in all things supernatural and paranormal. This includes ghosts and hauntings, psychic phenomena, angel & demons. Cordova I, the Society Founder, was spiritually awakened when he saw a ghost for the first time in his life at the age of 36. If you're interested in joining the club, please fill out the application:

Specializing in spooky stories, the club is sponsoring a series published in the EBC by Ellenburg titled, “Sleepy Hollow Weekend Trip.” The true retelling of Ellenburg’s trip to Sleepy Hollow, New York features many pictures and recently expanded with a part 2! You can read both parts of the story below, and keep an eye out on the EBC subforum for part 3.

Part I
Part II

Sincluda of Europeia

[Image: vrzpAPf.png]

☆ Introduction by Minister of Foreign Affairs Vor

Muy buenas a todos, happy new year, and welcome to Europeia’s December Foreign Update! Europeia recently engaged with a Presidential election, a Winter Gala, the new Sinkers, a refound prevention, and more! Read about that and further media highlights, as well as a recap on what's been going through the World Assembly as of late.

Below are some short extracts from this month's update. For the full version see the dispatch version!

Regional News by various

Population: 1265 | Delegate Endorsements: 246

President Grea Kriopia | Speaker Calvin Coolidge | Chief Justice Primorye Oblast

GK Surges Ahead of Opponents in Stunning Presidential Victory by upc and Andy

December brought about the end of UPC's unprecedented four term run as President. Initial polling showed a tight race between the Grea Kriopia (GK) / Sincluda (Sin) and Vorhollah (Vor) / Decacon (Rand) tickets, but a last minute entry by King HEM (HEM) / Ambrella (Sopo) shook things up in the days before polling opened. GK took an early lead, but the race remained close to run-off territory for most of the voting period. It was only in the final hour of the race that GK accrued the votes to secure the election in the first round. With 68 ballots counted, GK & Sin closed the race out with 57.4% of the vote, with Vor & Rand following at 23.5% and HEM & Sopo trailing closely behind at 19.1%.

The newly-elected President has nominated her Cabinet, all of whom have now been confirmed by the Europeian Senate. Her picks are as follows:

World Assembly Affairs - southwestern germany aka Ervald
Grand Admiral - Andy
Radio - Ambrella aka Sopo
Communications - the islamic country of honour eia aka ICH
Gameside Affairs - Europeia aka SkyGreen
Outreach - Empire of Caldrasa
Foreign Affairs - Vorhollah
Technical Architect - UPC
Culture - Spuzz City
Attorney General - Azell aka Ellenburg

ERN Helps Secure New Sinkers by Sincluda

The Europeian Republican Navy provided military support to the new governments in the Plains of Perdition and the Outback. NationStates Gameplay was shocked last month by the creation of two new sinker regions, prompting a scramble for control. The ERN swiftly responded to a call for assistance from Rhaza to support his delegacy and stabilize Perdition, deploying sailors and militia to the region. Then-President UPC later ordered some sailors to support Terannical and secure the establishment of a coalition government in the Outback as well. Both nations still retain the delegacy in their respective regions (though the Outback is in the process of transitioning), and the sinkers have seen permanent governments successfully established. Among other militaries, the ERN remains deployed to help ensure security for these young governments as their regions begin to grow. The Europeian government has also recognized both governments as the legitimate governing bodies of their respective regions.

Winter Gala with Empire of Great Britain by Spuzz City

Europeia’s Ministry of Culture, alongside our friends at Empire of Great Britain, recently held a Winter gala filled with interesting conversation and engaging events. The event was held to celebrate the winter season and, the best part, have a big feast!

When you first walked into this feast, your senses were overwhelmed. The flavorful smells of steak, fried chicken, mashed potatoes, and various desserts drifted from the table. The sound of laughter drifted in from the main hall where a grand story was being told. A feeling of warmth and happiness spread through you as friends gathered to make every second of the event count. A few gathered together to play games. To end the event, we all got cozy with our blankets, drinks, and snacks to watch “A Muppets Christmas Carol” before we all said farewell.

We at Europeia had a great time putting this together with our friends from EoGB!

Europeia Welcomes Talonia to MGC by Vorhollah

Talonia is the newest member of the Modern Gameplay Compact, following their accession on December 23. Talonia is a Frontierist region with a sizeable WA community and thriving Foreign Affairs; they resolved a conflict with The Republic of The League and Concord earlier this year, resulting in a Detente between the two last June. Europeia looks forward to a long future of collaboration with our new partners in the MGC! You can read more about this event in the MGC's statement.

... and much more!

? Culture Highlight: The Europeian Book Club

The Official Unofficial Europeian Book Club has just finished reading about the legends and myths of ancient Norse folklore in an entertaining retelling by Neil Gaiman.

Chairman of the Book Club Lloenflys provides us with some of his takes on the book:

Lloenflys Wrote:Gaiman does an excellent job re-telling these stories. My quibbles are minor and mostly aren't Gaiman's fault. I wish we had something more like a complete version of these tales. Also not Gaiman's fault - these gods just aren't that likable (then again, gods rarely are). The book was highly readable and Gaiman did an excellent job letting the voices of the gods speak out from the page. Well worth a read if you're a fan of Odin and co.


I think the most interesting, and frightening, character in these stories is Hel - ruler of the realm of the dead where those who died not as warriors in battle go after their death. The image of her being half alive and half dead is a fascinating and disturbing one. She appears minimally in these stories, but I'm completely intrigued by her and would have loved to have read more.

Next up is Giovanni's Room by James Baldwin, a classic LGBT+ novel. Join us in Europeia if you'd like to read along and give your impressions!

Sincluda of Europeia

[Image: vrzpAPf.png]

☆ Introduction by Minister of Foreign Affairs Vor

Hello friends! Welcome to the January 2025 Europeia Foreign Update! This update discusses several interesting topics relevant to Europeia's ideological identity, legislative developments, three concurrent wars, media developments, and World Assembly activity! Read on to discover all of that and more!

Below are some short extracts from this month's update. For the full version see the dispatch version!

Regional News by various

Population: 1361 | Delegate Endorsements: 265

President Grea Kriopia | Speaker Lloenflys | Chief Justice Decacon

Is Europeia still Independent? by JayDee II

Over a year since Europeia entered Aegis, the question of identity has been a hot debate in the region. Attempting to put the question to rest for good, Grand Admiral Andusre submitted their Op-Ed on “The Question that ought to die.”  Chronicling the historic struggle Europeia has faced against bad actors attempting to delegitimize the ideals of Independence and that the new debate of Independent versus Defender is just the revival of age old debates that have persisted both within and beyond the region.

Andusre’s article concludes that the very act of trying to define Europeia is an ultimately fruitless attempt to label something too complex to be labeled.

“We must instead ask "How does Europeia identify?" - a query whose wording actually invites nuance and discourse about the intricacies of Independence, without denying the tangible reality on the ground in the modern era of gameplay. And if someone were to hold a gun to my head and make me answer that in less than five words, "Ideologically Independent; militarily defender" is what would come out of my mouth, and personally I find that identity far more resonant.”

The Most Influential Europeians of 2024 by Vorhollah

The Europeian Broadcasting Corporation convened a panel to decide who the most influential Europeians of last year were. Chaired by Minister of Communications Gemeinschaftsland, the Arnhelm 8 were selected from among this year's most impactful citizens.

"Previously, the Europeian citizenry nominated Europeians to be considered as part of the Arnhelm 8, and those citizens chose sixteen people: UPC, Grea Kriopia, JayDee, Vor, Andusre, Rand, Sincluda, John Laurens, SkyGreen, Sanjurika, Westinor, Maowi, PhDre, Sopo, HEM, and Comfed. All of these individuals have had marked impacts on the region over the past year, but of them, there can only be eight! And the eight Europeians selected by the panel were as follows, in no particular order...."

New Senate, new topics! by Decacon

In a break with recent precedent, Europeians this January elected a new Senate with no incumbents returning. The new Senators have plenty of experience though, with former President JayDee, former President Lloenflys, former Speaker GraVandius, and TNP Minister Comfed among the newly elected. Voters selected candidates most aligning with their views on a variety of topics such as oversight of executive technology, judicial reform, and the future of Europeia's wars.

Senators got swiftly to work, selecting Lloenflys to return to the Speakership. Senator Comfed also introduced legislation allowing the Regional Security Council to perform a "delegate tip," due to the recent frontier magnetism changes announced by site staff.

Check back on our next update for more information on what this exciting new Senate gets up to!

Certified Question keeps the Judiciary Busy by Europeia

On November 23, then-Attorney General SkyGreen, submitted a Certified Question under the Judicature Act, asking whether Section RV1. of the Elections Act (2024), which provides for publicly viewable voting tallies, complies with the Charter of Rights' requirement for a "secret ballot or equivalent free voting procedure."
The AG sought a binding decision under TQ1. (1) of the Judicature Act, which permits challenging the law either as applied (in a specific scenario) or on its face (for all scenarios). The AG argued that public tally displays are constitutional on account of providing an equivalent free voting procedure and supported by legislative intent and customary law.

The Venerable Rand intervened, contending that publicly viewable poll results are inherently incompatible with a secret ballot. He presented arguments that argued that due to the possibility to view current visitors while tracking the votes as they came in, the public tally system was not inherently secret.

On January 15, JayDee issued a judgement joined by the new Attorney General Ellenburg, with Lime dissenting, ruling that it is possible to track the votes of an individual, thus violating the right to a secret ballot, ruling that the current conduct does not meet the criteria to be considered an equivalent free voting procedure, and ruling that the conduct of elections does not meet the criteria to be protected by Re: Customary Law in Europeia.

John Laurens applied for a Judicial Review of the decision due to Ellenburg simultaneously holding the position of Attorney General and Circuit Court Judge, which was contrary to the Attorney General Act which prohibits an AG from holding a position in the Judiciary.
Afterwards SkyGreen filed an appeal of the decision on several different grounds. Both cases are currently still active.

... and much more!

? Culture Highlight: The Europeian Book Club

The Official Unofficial Europeian Book Club has started 2025 off strong, continuing its trend of reading books from many genres and of many styles. Over the last 6 weeks, the book club has read books on Norse mythology (Neil Gaimon’s “Norse Mythology”), a classic of LGBT literature (James Baldwin’s “Giovanni’s Room”), a well-regarded fantasy novel (Scott Lynch’s “The Lies of Locke Lamora”), and a humor look a the history and use of the English language (Bill Bryson’s “The Mother Tongue”). In a few days, the club will start reading Redshirts by John Scalzi, a commonly recommended sci fi spoof. The diversity of genres is a hallmark of the book club – there’s something for everyone!

This isn’t by accident. The book club operates very democratically; anyone (whether formally member or not) can nominate a book during the club’s many nomination periods. The club then votes which nominated book they’d prefer to read. It’s a fun way to open the floor to members and followers, encouraging greater participation.  The book club reads somewhere around 100 pages a week, with the week’s new assignment coming out on Wednesdays. If you want to be a part of a fun, entertaining, informative club stop by Euro’s forums and visit us at the Official Unofficial Europeian Book Club today[url=][/url]!

Sincluda of Europeia

[Image: vrzpAPf.png]

☆ Introduction by Minister of Foreign Affairs Ervald
Hello friends! Welcome to the February 2025 Europeia Foreign Update! This update discusses several interesting topics relevant to Europeia's elections, notable figures of last year, legislative developments, diplomatic relations, media developments, and World Assembly activity!  Read on to discover all of that and more!

Below are some short extracts from this month's update. For the full version see the dispatch version!

Regional News by various

Population: 1,662 | Delegate Endorsements: 276

President Grea Kriopia | Speaker Lloenflys | Chief Justice Decacon

Repeal of Treaty of Libertia and Pie, and Passing of the Luminous Accords by JayDee II

Where one door closes, another one opens. After the Union of Democratic States (UDS) announced the closure of their In-Character (IC) Government, UDS and Europeia agreed to the termination of the Treaty of Libertia and Pie, which acknowledged the mutual friendship of both regions. The representatives from UDS and Europeia expressed that the termination of relations was on amicable grounds, but the decision to close relations was based on UDS’s inability to fulfill some of its obligations due to the lack of a government. However, both regions remain in good standing with one another.

Shortly before that, President Grea Kriopia presented The Luminous Accords between the Plains of Perdition (tPoP) and Europeia, confirming the budding relations between the new GCR and the old UCR. The treaty confirms what many suspected would be inevitable, since Europeia’s Navy played a crucial role in Rhaza’s (AKA Quebecshire) rise to the Delegacy. The President issued a joint statement expressing excitement on the new treaty. “We are thrilled to formalize this cooperation in a new treaty and look forward to our regions' continued support of one another well into the future.”

Establishing the Order of the Muses by United Vietussia

The Europeian Senate recently passed the Medals Amendment, expanding the Awards and Honors Act by introducing a new medal: the Order of the Muses. First proposed by Gem in the People’s Assembly, the Order of the Muses is intended to honor “individuals who have provided outstanding service to Europeia through the creation of high-quality graphics, banners, and other artistic endeavors”. In introducing the amendment, Gem also noted the contributions of President Grea Kriopia in crafting the new award.

During deliberation over the amendment, Grea Kriopia emphasized that “the ways in which Europeians contribute to the region continue to evolve and graphic/artistic contributions are a unique skill set well worth recognizing”. After passing through the People’s Assembly a 10-1 vote, the Senate passed the amendment in a unanimous 7-0 vote. The amendment also introduced a new design for the Order of Dedication, awarded to “individuals who have been seen to go above and beyond the normal calls of service in the Government”.

Presidential Election! by Amalteia

Europeia wakes once more to a new day, in a new term, as the February/March 2025 Europeian Presidential Elections conclude. The result is clear: the dynamic duo of Grea Kriopia and Sincluda is here to stay. Having earned the trust and confidence of 87.7 % of the votes, re-opening elections (ROE) was deemed unnecessary by a crushing majority of the voter base.

The total number of votes cast in this election was fifty-eight, sixteen less votes than in the previous December 2024 Europeian Presidential Elections. The election itself was uncontested, with Grea Kriopia and Sincluda running unopposed. While this assured their victory, this was potentially a direct cause to the lower voter turnout compared to the previous election. Without competition, some voters may have felt less urgency to cast their ballots, leading to a smaller, but nonetheless decisive, result.

The duo’s campaign was constructed around a bold, fair and novel vision, at least for the region: embracing Europeia’s identity as the largest Frontier in NationStates. Their platform took inspiration from the Hunger Games, and aimed to both prove and improve Europeia’s position as the dominant and model Frontier on the site. Similarly to how tributes in the games must adapt, forge alliances, and leverage their unique strengths to survive, so too will Europeia innovate and set the standard for this new era of “Frontierism”. In this spirit, their Frontier-focussed policies were designed to ensure Europeia doesn’t merely survive but thrives. For example, one of their flagship initiatives, FrontierFest, aims to unite Frontiers in a grand interregional gathering to encourage Frontiers to act together, united. The ADAPT Protocol, another pillar of their platform, represents a long-term tech project which aims to revolutionise integration and culture within the region.

Meanwhile, GK and Sin’s foreign affairs approach seeks to solidify Europeia’s alliances, establish it as a leading voice among Frontiers, and keep the region ahead of the game in this regard. In terms of culture, our navy, and outreach, much of their vision is to rekindle activity and motivation around operations, recruitment, and events of all sorts.

The People is Busy in the People’s Assembly by Lunar Remnants

The People's Assembly of Europeia was busy last month. As a place for any Europeian citizen to get involved in legislation, the Assembly passed a bill, partook in a number of discussions, and elected a new Chair.

Newly elected People's Assembly Chair Lunar Remnants (m88youngling) oversaw the completion of a vote to pass the Medals Amendment, which added a new award to celebrate individuals who have made significant artistic contributions to Europeia. The pre-legislation was passed by the Senate and the bill has been brought before the President for consideration.

The People's Assembly soon expects to deliberate on a few in-process drafts written by its new Chair. One resolution regards web accessibility standards, while another would condemn abuses of voter privacy.

... and much more!

? Culture Highlight: Let the Games Begin

In February, Euro revived a long-beloved game series called the Hunger Games which has made rounds around NationStates as a popular culture event. The event uses a website simulator to run a hypothetical Hunger Games event complete with two tributes from each of the 12 districts. Participants can choose their name, appearance, and district before fighting to the death with often comical endings and witty commentary along the way. Euro has deeply enjoyed the Hunger Games series since 2015 so the region was delighted to see first-time Minister of Culture Spuzz City revive the event after the topic resurfaced in casual conversation. Imagine the region's surprise when the first Hunger Games event was won by none other than Spuzz herself, triggering instant calls for a dramatic rematch! Expect to see more Hunger Games in Euro's future and feel free to come play yourself.

Sincluda of Europeia

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