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Regional Economy Idea
Let's take a small break from Constitutional debates (more on this coming very soon) to discuss an idea that came up yesterday: reintroducing a regional economy.

For the unaware, the region used a Discord bot to have an economy of sorts (based on a fictional currency) in 2020. I'll break down the simple pros and cons of the system *as it existed then*

  • Pros: It generated a lot of activity for the server, people seemed to generally find it fun, arguably added some degree of culture/flavor to the region
  • Cons: People were generally corrupt, it caused a few fights here and there, and the system it ran off of wasn't well defined so it went off the rails (see Kanjuura's comments about loan sharking, etc).

If we reintroduce it, I think we can combat most of the cons above by (a) the region being generally more mature than it was 4 years ago and (b) an actual system/regulation method.

The idea, if implemented, would revolve around a few things,

  • A base salary of this fictional currency for people in roles to benefit the region (recruiter, LDF member, etc).
  • Payouts for participation (recruitment telegrams sent, LDF ops attended, roleplay contests won).
  • Minigames playable with this current (blackjack, etc).
  • Purchaseable items (a Discord role color or icon, things of that sort?).
  • A degree of regulation to prevent abuse of the system/people being taken advantage of in it.

So basically, with all of that in mind, I have a few questions I would like the Council Delegates to answer (in this thread, please).

  1. Are you interested in seeing this implemented?
  2. Do you like the way its outlined above? What would you change or add?
  3. Do you think this would help incentivize/drive regional activity and participation, or not really?
Chief Consul | Founder | Forum Administrator | CCE | EOS
[Image: r2pNS3F.png] @cubicshyr

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I am on board for implementing it, I agree with all the suggestions that people said in the capitol channel, and I think this would make the server more interesting, I love simulating economies.
Council Delegate of Concord
Recruiter for Concord
I think it is worth re-introducing, and I believe the features it would revolve around are perfect, particularly the last one. I also currently have no suggestions to change or add to them.
It will definitely increase activity in many areas. I am not sure of the extent to which it will, but I feel if it is well organized and maintained, it has the potential to incentivize a lot more people to interact more actively in the region.
Monsilva - Leimur
[Image: r2pNS3F.png] leimur
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Yes, I like the idea, it could bring more activity to the region by giving more people more things to aim for. The only thing I may would change is paying people for defending, it's not something I particularly like but don't feel to strong about this anyway.
LDF Colonel - Council Delegate
Former many things in many places
Nation: Sulenia | Discord: @sulen__
Yes I am very interested in seeing this implemented, I know a lot of people have wanted it reintegrated for some time and I think it could really boost stuff around here when it is.
I am interested in this, I think it’s outlined good enough. I think it will mostly drive up regional activity, encourage participation in the LDF and recruiting specifically
1. I am interested, I think it'll be a fun way to increase activity.
2. I can't think of changing anything, except to specify how it will be regulated, will we give more work to the arguably stretched consuls or could regular server mods handle it?
3. I think if widely advertised it could raise participation.
I am actually personally interested, considering my activity on the Discord server itself is pretty inactive outside of TRA so I think it could definitely boost activity for everyone, myself included. Unfortunately, I don't have anything to add because I believe it is, as of right now, the most optimal plan for some sort of regional economy in any form.
I think it will increase activity, not just from people who are not yet active in the discord, but also people already in the discord, as well as just being a bit of fun . I think it will also boost participation in the LDF, as it will give you an incentive to show up to a liberation that you might otherwise not really bother to. I also agree with Paleo in the fact of who will run the regulatory stuff on it. I think pinning it just on the consuls would be a bit much, as from my understanding all of you are already doing massive amounts for the region. So yeah, i would definitely say I am interested.
Two main thoughts,

1. It seems like most people want it to happen (at least of those engaging here).
2. Think of it like the roleplay - it's like a new regional activity people can participate in. It doesn't really need to be run by "server mods" outside of getting the bot in, etc. I think it makes most sense of have the Consuls draw up the basic structure and rules based on this discussion. If we decide running it is a strain, maybe we can appoint a person who is genuinely interested in the concept to help manage it.
Chief Consul | Founder | Forum Administrator | CCE | EOS
[Image: r2pNS3F.png] @cubicshyr

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