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Proposal for the betterment of the Roleplay experience
Hello, I created this thread due the ever-growing influx of new members in the Rp and the confusion of claiming a company. As many of you know a real-life company can be claimed for later usage in the Rp but it has become ever more unclear who has claimed what, when and under which name. To fight this confusion, I request a chart where everyone can see which companies have already been claimed and by whom (maybe even under what Rp-name). I know that such a chart already exists but is only available to specific people. So, everything that must be done is just publish this chart to everyone (just like the map is already available for everyone to see).
If anyone has any further comments/questions to this, please respond to this thread or reach out to me over discord (The dude#3651).

Messages In This Thread
Proposal for the betterment of the Roleplay experience - by Akvarelusus the Great - 11-06-2022, 10:30 AM

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