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CRL 33 – A Bill to Amend CRL 15
A Bill to Amend CRL 15

Presented by: Zloveshchiy

Preamble: To ensure FA development, this bill is aimed to amend the CRL 15 law to establish Deputy FA directors into the CRL 15 Law. Following the recent FA momentum, this is a good chance to capitalize on the FA development by establishing Deputy FA directors to the Department of Foreign Affairs to ensure that they essentially learn the FA landscape, let them take more-leader oriented roles, and add more organization to the department. They would also act as a substitute for the Director of Foreign Affairs if the current Director of Foreign Affairs is busy with something that they cannot do their part.

  • The Consulate and Director of Foreign Affairs may coordinate to appoint and fill a Deputy Director of Foreign Affairs position, which can be held by one or several individuals.
  • The specific responsibilities of the Deputy Director(s) may be defined by the Director in collaboration with the Consulate.
  • The Archivist of the Republic is empowered to incorporate the above two statutes into the Council of the Republic Law 15.
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3rd Chief Consul of The League and Concord
World Assembly Delegate of The League
Director of Internal Affairs of The League and Concord
Archivist of The League and Concord

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CRL 33 – A Bill to Amend CRL 15 - by Creeperopolis - 11-05-2022, 09:33 PM

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