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CRL 29 – Process on Prohibiting Hostile Actors from the Republic [AMENDED]
Process on Prohibiting Hostile Actors from the Republic

Presented by: The Office of the Consulate

Preamble: Cognizant of The League’s immense growth in the world of foreign and military affairs within the last year or so, it is convenient for our government to establish the means by which individuals and organizations that are hostile to the Republic can be prohibited from residency and other relevant jurisdictions. Seeking to establish a balance between security and transparency, the following clauses propose an outline on prohibition from the Republic and total prohibitions.


Section One: Definitions

There shall be two categories of prohibition under the purview of this law. These will be designated as “prohibition from the Republic” and “total prohibition.”

Prohibition from the Republic shall be defined as being disallowed from maintaining any nation with residency in The League. The prohibition on residency extends to any privileges and statuses that residency serves as a prerequisite to, such as citizenship.

Total prohibition shall be defined as being disallowed from presence on any of The League’s platforms, such as off-site properties.

Both individuals and organizations may be prohibited in either of the above manners. When an organization is prohibited, all of its present members are prohibited on the basis of their continuing membership. If an individual who is not individually prohibited leaves any prohibited organizations of which they are a member, their prohibited status via the organization does not continue. Individuals who join prohibited organizations have the prohibition applied to them as well so long as they remain members.

The Consulate may provide and rescind exemptions to individuals impacted by prohibitions imposed on organizations at their discretion. Said exemptions will be communicated to the individuals impacted.

Section Two: Proper Cause

Justification for a prohibition must include a substantiated belief that the individual or organization harbors and/or acts on hostility towards The League, its allied and embassy regions, the legitimate governments of the aforementioned, or the values The League and its institutions are dedicated to upholding.

Section Three: Authority to Prohibit

Prohibitions of either category must be proposed by the Consulate as an institution after internal deliberation and consultation with any relevant security officials of their choosing.

Proposed prohibitions must be voted on and deliberated separately. Multiple individuals and organizations may have overlapping justifications, but may not be presented synchronously nor voted on at the same time.

Upon presentation, a proposed prohibition must contain the following information provided by the Office of the Consulate:
  • The name of the individual or organization proposed for prohibition.
  • A compiled justification of the need for prohibition as explained in Section Two, including any relevant available evidence.
  • The chosen level of prohibition of the two categories established in Section One.

Prohibitions of either category must be approved by a majority of the sitting Council of the Republic in an officially convened vote with the opportunity for questions and debate.

If the Consulate determines information in a prohibition proposal is sensitive to the Republic, its embassy or allied regions, or its interests, they may convene the Council’s deliberation in private meeting locations. If this is done, all disclosable information on the prohibition must be announced publicly.

Prohibitions may be repealed by the process by which they are passed, presentation by the Consulate with the same criterion presented in favor of a repeal, and by a majority vote of the Council of the Republic.

The Republic’s designated space(s) for law archival shall keep a notice of all passed, extant, and repealed prohibitions, including category, justification, and the date of implementation (and if applicable, repeal) of each prohibition.

Section Four: Enactment

This law will go into effect immediately upon passage by the Council of the Republic, though it will not affect any prior government-issued bans from the region and its platforms.


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3rd Chief Consul of The League and Concord
World Assembly Delegate of The League
Director of Internal Affairs of The League and Concord
Archivist of The League and Concord

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CRL 29 – Process on Prohibiting Hostile Actors from the Republic [AMENDED] - by Creeperopolis - 11-05-2022, 09:20 PM

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