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CRL 27 – An Act To Repeal CRL 8
An Act To Repeal CRL 8

Presented by: The Constitutional Republic of Zion

Preamble: Recognizing the unnecessary beauracratic processes created by CRL 8 and the declining role of the LIA in regional defense following the passage of CRL 8 and recognizing that by repealing CRL 8, the Council places the LDD completely under Consulate control with complete control of the LDD and the ability to implement The League's defenses as it sees fit.

  • That CRL #8 is to be struck as null and void.
  • That CRL #8 is to be repealed.
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3rd Chief Consul of The League and Concord
World Assembly Delegate of The League
Director of Internal Affairs of The League and Concord
Archivist of The League and Concord

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CRL 27 – An Act To Repeal CRL 8 - by Creeperopolis - 11-05-2022, 09:17 PM

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