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CRL 25 – An Act to Repeal CRL 4 and to Reform TL's Definition of Cri. Agst. the Rep.
An Act to Repeal CRL 4 and to Reform The League's Definition of Crimes Against The Republic

Presented by: Malgax

Preamble: As the League has grown and changed significantly since the passage of CRL 4 it becomes necessary to reform what is considered a crime against The League to better inform visitors, stayers, and citizens alike as to what is detrimental to The League, as well as providing guidance to The League’s law enforcement bodies to avoid accusations of injustice or bias. As such it becomes necessary to repeal CRL 4 and pass CRB 3.


  • Hereby Repeals Council of The Republic Law 4
The following acts are to be considered crimes against The League:
  • Bringing in puppets unauthorized by the Consulate
  • Unauthorized distribution of classified information
  • Sedition against The League
  • Treason Against The League
  • Bribing of officials 
  • Obstruction of Justice
The definitions of these crimes are as follows:

Bringing in puppets unauthorized by the Consulate

To bring in puppet nations into The League without the authorization of the Consulate. (Consulate in this case means the collective agreement of all three consuls of The League)

Unauthorized distribution of classified information

To distribute information classified by the Republic of The League.

Examples of this include but are not necessarily limited to;
  • Posting screenshots from government channels of whose purpose is to remain secret.
  • Leaking documents classified by the Republic of The League.
  • Revealing classified information via digital or physical communication.

Sedition against The League

Sedition against The League is defined as attempting to disrupt, damage, subvert, or destroy the government and region of The League.

Examples of this include but are not necessarily limited to;
  • Spreading false information (false information defined as false or misleading information that the spreader intends to be taken as true information.) about The League, it’s government, it’s people, it’s actions, or it’s officials.
  • Leaking classified information with intent to harm The League or it’s people and officials by it’s release.
  • Active attempts to spread anti-League propaganda intended to damage The League or to encourage residents to engage in seditious activities.
Examples of this include but are not necessarily limited to;
  • Spreading false information with intent to cause sedition,
  • Releasing classified information with intent to cause sedition,
  • Harassing others with intent to cause sedition.
  • Bribing of League officials or residents to act in opposition to The League.

Treason Against the League

Treason Against The League is defined as attempting to disrupt, damage, subvert or destroy the government and region of The League at the behest of foreign power.

Examples of this include but are not necessarily limited to;
  • Leaking classified information to foreign governments, attempting to leak classified information to foreign governments.
  • Encouraging other residents to commit sedition at the behest of a foreign government.
  • Vandalism of League documents at the behest of a foreign power.
  • Spreading of anti-League propaganda at the behest of a foreign power.
  • Assisting foreign agents engaged in anti-League activities.
  • Bribing of League officials or residents to act in opposition to the league at the behest of a foreign power.

Bribery of officials

Bribery of officials is considered the action of giving League officials, be they council members, diplomats, or other office holders acting in the service of the Republic something in return for an action by the official.

Obstruction of Justice

Obstruction of Justice is defined as actively obstructing the process of the Republic from enforcing the laws of The League.

Examples of this include but are not necessarily limited to:
  • Actively sabotaging an investigation.
  • Preventing law enforcement officials from enforcing punishments.
  • Disrupting court procedures.
  • Bribing law officials in opposition to justice and rule of law. 

Addition of New Sections To CRL 25

Sections may be added or modified by majority non-consular vote by The Republic of The League Council via CRB to add a new clause to CRL 25 or to modify previous sections of CRL 25.
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3rd Chief Consul of The League and Concord
World Assembly Delegate of The League
Director of Internal Affairs of The League and Concord
Archivist of The League and Concord

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CRL 25 – An Act to Repeal CRL 4 and to Reform TL's Definition of Cri. Agst. the Rep. - by Creeperopolis - 11-05-2022, 09:12 PM

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