02-06-2025, 09:58 PM
What is your country's name: The Princely State of the city of Le Theil (l'état princier de la cité de le theil) (πριγκιπάτο της Θελανούπολης)
What is your capital city's name: Le Theil
What population should your nation have: 2.2 million
What government type is your country in present day: constitucional monarchy (parliamentary sysytem)
What is your nation's main language and culture: somewhere between Quebecshire and Eleutherios with the official languages being both quebecshirite and eleutherian
Take a look at our map. Let us know where you'd like your nation and capital city to be: on the border between Quebecshire and Eleutherios
What is your capital city's name: Le Theil
What population should your nation have: 2.2 million
What government type is your country in present day: constitucional monarchy (parliamentary sysytem)
What is your nation's main language and culture: somewhere between Quebecshire and Eleutherios with the official languages being both quebecshirite and eleutherian
Take a look at our map. Let us know where you'd like your nation and capital city to be: on the border between Quebecshire and Eleutherios