01-18-2025, 06:43 AM
Nominating Quebecshire for Order of Recruitment and Integration
For the first several years of the Republic, Quebecshire shouldered the entire burden of Recruitment, via mass telegram. In 2022, Quebecshire set up the League and Concord manual recruitment program, using Dot the bot. He maintained and administered the program, and was also a dedicated participant. Following the removal of the recruitment feature from Dot, Quebecshire set up another manual recruitment program with Asperta, while also sending and financing a long-term, stamp-based recruiting push that represents the vast majority of the Republic's recruiting for the year 2024.
Simultaneously, Quebecshire was responsible for evaluating citizenship applications and masking new residents, and was frequently the first person explaining the game and the region to new members.
For these reasons, Quebecshire is long overdue for this award
For the first several years of the Republic, Quebecshire shouldered the entire burden of Recruitment, via mass telegram. In 2022, Quebecshire set up the League and Concord manual recruitment program, using Dot the bot. He maintained and administered the program, and was also a dedicated participant. Following the removal of the recruitment feature from Dot, Quebecshire set up another manual recruitment program with Asperta, while also sending and financing a long-term, stamp-based recruiting push that represents the vast majority of the Republic's recruiting for the year 2024.
Simultaneously, Quebecshire was responsible for evaluating citizenship applications and masking new residents, and was frequently the first person explaining the game and the region to new members.
For these reasons, Quebecshire is long overdue for this award
idk, some caveman ig