(07-23-2024, 11:31 AM)KoolKid Wrote: 1. Strongest Krachtlanden (nation)
2. snickersnackerstealerbarsn_57104
1. Strongest Krachtlanden
2. Bekroondestad
3. ~107 Million
4. Democratic liberalism
5. Mainly Dutch but also French and German cultures. With language being the same thing but with Afrikaans.
6. Attached
Please try again. The application guide specifically states that your population should be under 100 million.
Quote:What population should your nation have? (Disclaimer: should be *under* 100 million)
Also as a note, none of those languages really work there. We currently don’t really have room for any Dutch at the moment, for German you would need to border Kivu, and for French you would need to border Quebecshire.
Main Nation: Anjan Kloss
Discord: CHSStormTracker
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