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CRL 21 – An Act to Authorize a Regional Move
An Act to Authorize a Regional Move

Presented by: Gagium

Preamble: In recognition of how The League of Conservative Nations' name no longer represents its population and how it can be immensely misleading, especially towards newer nations, the Council of the Republic seeks to initiate proceedings that would result in a move from The League of Conservative Nations to a region titled The League and under the management of the Consulate.[/box]


The Consulate of the Republic and the Council of the Republic shall be authorized and encourage to inaugurate a transition that would relocate the functions of The League of Conservative Nations to The League, while keeping the regional government entirely intact. No member of the Consulate, Council, or employed by either body is to attempt to impede or disrupt the transition. No piece of legislation or the Constitution is to be taken out of effect during this transition process, except in the case of the Council of the Republic repealing or amending previously passed legislation.

This transition may follow a timeframe established by the Consulate and Council of the Republic.

The Consulate shall be compelled to make appropriate changes to the Constitution of the Republic, primarily in replacing all mentions of The League of Conservative Nations with appropriate references to The League.

The Council of the Republic shall be compelled to make appropriate changes to laws passed, primarily in replacing all mentions of The League of Conservative Nations with appropriate references to The League. The Council is encouraged to reevaluate possible other changes in legislation during this period.

The Consulate and Council are authorized to implement further measures not mentioned in this legislation in order to carry out the transition.

The Consulate shall continue to maintain and preserve The League of Conservative Nations as property of The League after the transition process has been concluded.
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3rd Chief Consul of The League and Concord
World Assembly Delegate of The League
Director of Internal Affairs of The League and Concord
Archivist of The League and Concord

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CRL 21 – An Act to Authorize a Regional Move - by Creeperopolis - 10-01-2022, 09:02 PM

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