Nation Name: Nassovia
Notable/Previous Aliases and Nicknames: Lisander. Also everything in the regions of Sommerlin and Trimaris, my Puppet-storage regions. I also have Isenna in Palatine, but it's been a long time since I visited that.
Previous Nations in The League or Concord (if applicable): Not that I remind
Previous Regions (and involvement in them): Been kicked from TWI map due to inactivity, got pissed and left. Was banned Constitutional Democratic States because the region owner is a douchebag that hates any kind of criticism.
Discord Username: blanchecroix
Notable/Previous Aliases and Nicknames: Lisander. Also everything in the regions of Sommerlin and Trimaris, my Puppet-storage regions. I also have Isenna in Palatine, but it's been a long time since I visited that.
Previous Nations in The League or Concord (if applicable): Not that I remind
Previous Regions (and involvement in them): Been kicked from TWI map due to inactivity, got pissed and left. Was banned Constitutional Democratic States because the region owner is a douchebag that hates any kind of criticism.
Discord Username: blanchecroix