04-16-2023, 03:02 AM
- What is your country's name? - The Corporate Republic of The Burgs or Burgland
- What is your capital city's name?
- What population should your nation have? - On the website it's 14 million but in RP i'd rather have 45 Million
- What government type is your country in present day? - It runs it's government like a corporation where you can buy shares and the government is jointly ran by the shareholders ( If this does not work a Republic would be fine)
- What is your nation's main language and culture? - Burgish (For Both)
- The Corporate Republic of The Burgs is located in between Baltanla, Monsilva, Zloveshchiy, Mediternia, and Uulgadzar. Luxady is located in the south west part of the country near the Mediternia border. (In the file I sent it is the Asterisk)