Nation Name: Libertia (The League) Tartan Army (Concord)
Notable/Previous Aliases and Nicknames: NKI, TKI, The King Isle, New King Isles, Cantonstan, Free Scotland
Previous Nations in The League or Concord (if applicable):
I had one that I can't remember
Previous Regions (and involvement in them):
The South Pacific (member of The SPSF)
The Grey Wardens (Warden)
Osiris (regrettably a former member, Osiris sucks)
The Shadows (sucks too)
The Communist Bloc (terrible too, former member)
Discord Tag (example: Username#1234): Tartan#1061
Nation Name: Libertia (The League) Tartan Army (Concord)
Notable/Previous Aliases and Nicknames: NKI, TKI, The King Isle, New King Isles, Cantonstan, Free Scotland
Previous Nations in The League or Concord (if applicable):
I had one that I can't remember
Previous Regions (and involvement in them):
The South Pacific (member of The SPSF)
The Grey Wardens (Warden)
Osiris (regrettably a former member, Osiris sucks)
The Shadows (sucks too)
The Communist Bloc (terrible too, former member)
Discord Tag (example: Username#1234): Tartan#1061