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RP Sign-Ups
Tech Lizard of The League
Arboreal Delegate of Concord
Testing from the post reply button
Testing from the brave browser in the post reply tab
Give me my 503 error >:c
Identifying Information

What is your nation on NationStates: The Republic of Rawa Principality
What is your Discord username: Delfin (delfin1)

General Information (important)

What is your country's name: Rawa (Principality), also Poland (unofficial name, used in normative acts and other sources of law)
What is your capital city's name: Rawa Mazowiecka
What population should your nation have: 204~ thousand
What government type is your country in present day: Presidential republic
What is your nation's main language and culture: Polish language and culture
Map Location: Sblack dot - Rawa Mazowiecka, capital city / blue dot - Skierniewice / pink dot - Łowicz
(09-16-2022, 12:11 AM)Eleu Wrote:
[Image: sQ7hHcs.png]
Roleplay Sign-Ups

Hello, and welcome to Terraconserva RP! I am Eleu, one of the RP Advisors, and I'll be taking you through the sign-up process for joining the RP. If you want some more general information on the roleplay (and information about who to contact/who runs it), take a look at this thread. If you need help with this form, contact a roleplay staff member on Discord.

Every prospective player is asked to answer some start-up questions. These questions establish the basic information for your RP nation, as well as help us determine where you would belong on our map. Your answers do not have to correlate with your NationStates stats, but you can use some of them as inspiration if you so desire. To officially sign up, please respond to this thread with your answers to the below questions.

Identifying Information

  1. What is your nation on NationStates?
  2. What is your Discord username (example: Username#1234)? 

General Information (important)

Please be realistic and reasonable, roleplay staff will help you work out finer details based on your responses. You can change some answers later if need be, this is just to get you started.

  1. What is your country's name?
  2. What is your capital city's name?
  3. What population should your nation have? (Disclaimer: should be *under* 100 million)
  4. What government type is your country in present day? (Republic, dictatorship, etc.)
  5. What is your nation's main language and culture? (Disclaimer: do not pick English unless located next to Jackson)
  6. Take a look at our map. Let us know where you'd like your nation and capital city to be. A description or image submission is fine. Claims should not appear larger than nations such as Kivu, Jackson, and Baltanla. 

Take time and really think about your answers to these questions. Your answers can be changed at a later date, but the more thought and detail you put into your answers will really help you in the long run. Again, feel free to ask questions to any of the RP staff, who's contact information can be found in the RP Overview and Staff thread. We are here to help you get established and situated.

Once we see your post, a staff member will then contact you to complete the process and help with any changes that may need to be made. In your response, please include your Discord username so staff can properly role you in the server.
Identifying Information

Nation on NationStates? MilitarizedStatesOfAmerica
Discord username: MilitarizedStatesOfAmerica

General Information (important)

What is your country's name? Militarized States Of America or MSA for Short

What is your capital city's name? Area 51 Mobile Mega Base, New Nevada

What population should your nation have? 60 Million

What government type is your country in present day? Federal Stratocracy with
with a merit-based social structure system based on skill, performance, and productivity. Mandatory Military Service

What is your nation's main language and culture?
Language: American Sarduk(Essentially American English with lots of words trimmed off.Like how Sardukar speak from Dune)
Culture: martial prowess with pragmatic militarism to promote and defend national interests. People are nationalistic and patriotic towards the MSA.
Raised to have total dedication and commitment to protecting their fellow countrymen no matter the cost.

Believes in maintaining a strong, competent, and professional military to protect national interests.
Believes that everything is earned through merit and kept by competence.

Take a look at our map. Let us know where you'd like your nation and capital city to be.
The unoccupied land and islands south of Ajankistan and West of Ajankistan respectively. Yellow marked Island is the Capital State and the capital city is marked blue.
Identifying Information:

Nation on NationStates: Alrica
Discord username: apoktos

General Information (important)

Please be realistic and reasonable, roleplay staff will help you work out finer details based on your responses. You can change some answers later if need be, this is just to get you started.

What is your country's name? - Federal Republic of Alrica
What is your capital city's name? - Karakhôn
What population should your nation have? - 72M
What government type is your country in present day? - de jure: Federal Republic / de facto: autocratic state with most powers placed within the president's hands
What is your nation's main language? - Main and sole official language is Alrican, a very complex language with its own alphabets known for its many rules and exceptions.
What is your nation's main culture? - Main culture is also Alrican, making up about 80-85% of the population of the heartland. A stubborn but diligent people, their ancestral traditions are well rooted in and respect structed and order while working hard, reminiscent of their past as a major tribe enslaved by a foreign empire.
Preferred location? - The red outline is the approximative borders and the black dot near in the peninsula's mouth would be the capital:
1. Eserol
2. Mpas220

Roleplay features.
    What is your country's name?  Eserol
    What is your capital city's name?  Liersaat
    What population should your nation have? (Disclaimer: should be *under* 100 million)  37 million
    What government type is your country in present day? (Republic, dictatorship, etc.)    Republic
    What is your nation's main language and culture? (Disclaimer: do not pick English unless located next to Jackson) In-game Eser, similar to Flemish/Dutch
    Take a look at our map. Let us know where you'd like your nation and capital city to be. A description or image submission is fine. Claims should not appear larger than nations such as Kivu, Jackson, and Baltanla.    [Image: Eserol-Map-League.png]

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