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Plains of Perdition Awards
As the vast sea of grass that covers the plains turned from green to yellow, before finally turning brown, ahead of the rapidly approaching winter season. Another change swept across the plains. The forces of light, long oppressed by their hellish and dark occupiers, were at last able to reclaim control of their homeland, pushing those who occupied them back into the dark depths of the underworld from which they had come.

Sinker regions are game-created regions, commonly known as GCRs, where nations go after being ejected from other regions. Before the additions of The Plains of Perdition (PoP), along with its sister region, the Outback on November 26th, The Rejected Realms was the game’s only sinker region.

The addition of new GCRs is a rare and historic event, PoP and the Outback are the first GCRs to be added to the game since 2011, when the regions that are now known as Restorer regions were added to the game. Furthermore, gaining and maintaining control of these regions is a very important accomplishment.

The LDF was alerted of this development and sprung into action, ultimately deploying 24 enlisted members of the LDF and 4 civilians to ensure the stability and security of the Plains of Perdition’s new provisional government.

We thank everyone for their efforts; the following ribbon is awarded to everyone who participated in this deployment. We ask that those who participated in this operation remain piling in the Plains of Perdition until they receive orders to do otherwise. Additional pilers are not needed, so those who did not participate in the operation should remain in their respective regions.


Chief Consul Anjan Kloss
Consul Quebecshire
General New Makasta
Colonel DinoNet
Colonel Sulenia
Lieutenant The Eltran
General (Ret.) Andrew Du
Flagbearer Bootyswana
Flagbearer Ecalpa
Flagbearer Kanjuura
Flagbearer New San Antonio
Flagbearer Paleocacher
Flagbearer Terranihill
Flagbearer Zloveshchiy
Cannoneer Angvar
Cannoneer Devengrad
Cannoneer Ikania
Cannoneer New Fernia
Cannoneer New Illyricum
Cannoneer Sconia
Minuteman Abersiania
Minuteman Karimun
Minuteman Monsilva
Minuteman The 50 Islands
Minuteman United Tanks
Volunteer Araucarlia
Volunteer Baltanla
Volunteer Desheria
Volunteer Tosara
Chief Consul | Domestic Security Bureau | TRA Moderator | CC, OSR, ORI
Main Nation: Anjan Kloss
Discord: CHSStormTracker
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