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Flag Issues Guide
I've seen a lot of people try to use the Country Data template to get their flags to show up without the prerequisite page being set up first, so I thought it would be good to have a guide on setting that up properly, as well as a more general explanation about why templates are the best thing since sliced bread.
Q: I see other people using something like {{flag|countryname}} o{{flagicon|countryname}} but when I try to use it with my nation, it doesn't work, and it shows an error instead.
A: Usually this means that a page called Template:Country data Countryname (where countryname is whatever your nation is named) hasn't yet been set up yet.

Q: Why is having the Template:Country data Countryname page necessary? 
A: Normally to add an image to Wikipedia, you have to hardcode a link to a file, like this [[File:Ananas~May_2008-1.jpg]]  and while that's fine for a picture of say, a pineapple, that's going to appear on only like one page, we need to have a better system for putting a single image on hundreds of pages. Thankfully, Wikis already have this functionality for storing something in one place and then showing it on many other pages- It's called transclusion, and it's what templates are great at. That way, this one page can store your flag(s) for display everywhere on the wiki.

Q: Cool beans, but how do I set it up?
A: First create a page named Template:Country data Countryname but with your nation name there, and then copy over the text from a similar page. Replace image links for any flags with your own flags' links, and then save your brand new template page!

Q: I see that this template can do 'variant' flags for military branches, as well as historic national flags, but where would I learn how to set those up?
A: You can look at the documentation for Template:Country data on Wikipedia, copy from others who've made their templates already (basically every RPer starts making these by copying more experienced RPers or from copying Wikipedia, there is no shame in it), or by asking questions to others in #tra-general if you get stuck.

Alright! If there was stuff I missed there, pls let me know so that I can improve this.
Tech Lizard of The League
Arboreal Delegate of Concord

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