As I’ve been working on my nation, I’ve realized it’s pretty hard to come up with names for so many different people. So, I found these Name Generators online. This one generates masculine, feminine, ambiguous, or random (labeled either) names in pretty much any language. It will generate a first, middle, and/or last name depending on what you chose. However, it will only generate one name at a time. (This is my personal favorite) and Depending on what you chose the first link will generate either 10-100 male or female names, and the second link will generate 10-100 last names. Again, you can chose pretty much any language for the names. However, it will only do first names or last names, not both.
http This one generates masculine, feminine, ambiguous, or random (labeled either) names in pretty much any language. It will generate a first, middle, and/or last name depending on what you chose. However, it will only generate one name at a time. (This is my personal favorite) and Depending on what you chose the first link will generate either 10-100 male or female names, and the second link will generate 10-100 last names. Again, you can chose pretty much any language for the names. However, it will only do first names or last names, not both.
Main Nation: Anjan Kloss
Discord: CHSStormTracker
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Discord: CHSStormTracker
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