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Full Version: The League and Concord builds a tower
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1. obviously stay within the community guidelines
2. you can react, just don't forget /skipme
3. you may say /stillme but you MUST provide a reason

I'll start.

Floor 1/foyer: Shooting range with a target and ball you can shoot around to practice/move, a rail so you can do tricks, and a dash track so you can zoom around. there is water surrounding the area with the features, and there is the exit door and the elevator on the back and front ends on the practice island.
Floor 2: bixo infestation - this floor has been overrun by the mythical species indigenous to Concord known as “bixos.”
Floor 3: Assembly floor - A floor filled with machines making... something. It isn't clear what, and it goes onto conveyer belts that seem to be belted out to other floors.
Floor 4: A weapons forge producing high quality weapons and armor using a mythical substance called bullshitium that is both highly durable, but also extremely light, and can only be found in Slovakia